Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Dean Moves On

I really dislike phony honorifics. Calling someone a guru or a czar annoys me. But I read somewhere that Rob Neyer is "the dean of baseball bloggers." That works. Neyer worked with Bill James and went on to write several outstanding baseball books, both on his own and with others. I own and can recommend all of them. Even more significantly, he's been an amazingly prolific baseball blogger, first at ESPN and then at SB Nation. A lot of great baseball analysts tip their hat to Neyer as both an inspiration and a model. His ESPN blog was the first mass-market analytical baseball blog, and his approachable writing style helped change the way many people (including me) appreciate the game. To me, he work is always outstanding, and at its best, which is often, as good as it gets. 

Anyway, Neyer ended his column yesterday with this:
A personal note: This is my last column for SB Nation, at least for a good little while...At some point in the next couple of weeks, I'll be writing about baseball again, and I hope you'll find me again. 
When he re-surfaces, I'll let you know, and post it on my Reading tab. I hope it's not long.

UPDATE: He's with Fox Sports.

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